by Melissa
(Alabama USA)
I found out accidentally as a teen, the man who I was raised to believe was my biological father, was actually my step father who had adopted me. He is also the father of my younger brother and sister. Along with being berated and called ungrateful for even asking questions about my true paternity, I was told it was my Mother's first husband and my older brother's father. He didn't want me she said but would not agree to allow adoption of "his son". She insisted that if I pursued my real father, I would drive him back to drinking, as he was a recovering alcoholic. He has since passed away. I have never been able to have a mature discussion with my mother about my paternity. She would become very hateful and verbally abusive. Fast forward to the present at 51 years of age, Ancestry revealed first cousins I never heard of. I also had no Italian or polish ethnicity, which records showed my supposed bio fathers family immigrated from. Questioning my mother about it resulted in verbal attacks and we are no longer speaking AT ALL. A few weeks later, my older brother who is supposed to be a full sibling, sent in his Ancestry and he comes back as only half and he doesn't share common matches with these mystery cousins. My brother informed my Mother of us not testing as full siblings and she admitted to him she already knew. This woman is actually ANGRY AT ME, for all this coming to light and has absolutely no compassion or empathy for how betrayed and hurt I am. She isn't telling who it is or if they even knew about fathering me. Through the DNA matches and trees, I've narrowed down my suspected bio father to two brothers. Ive found their Facebook pages (as well as their spouses, children, etc), and address & phone contact information. One passed 6 months ago and had been married 55 years. The other,is still living and appears wasn't married at the time of my conception. I don't even know how I should proceed with contacting the living man and what do I say? I want to verify if he is my bio, but I'm also scared of rejection which I've already dealt with all my life by parents and siblings who have mistreated my entire life. And now I finally know why. I don't know how these Mother's sleep at night.