Feeling Down
by Lizzie
(South Australia)
I just read your web page and found it close to the truth. I am constantly put down by my husband. I cannot remember a time that I did anything right or pleasing. I am called something everyday for example, Monday night I was a mental patient, Tuesday this week I was a dickhead. Wednesday I was an idiot. etc... That is all my husband ever does. I work and clean and cook with no help but I never do anything right. I feel I cannot be normal and always have heartburn and depression due to a empty lonely feeling.
Your report sounds interesting. The one thing you have not covered is the silent treatment given to people. My husband whispers to others when I am in the room. I have tried for years to put on a confident face, but the aggressive behavior and words from him is getting worse. I have no where to run and why should I be the one to run? I have done nothing wrong! If I have what is it? I wonder what will happen in the future? I just like to hide from the world. I use to talk to my dog but she died recently.
Do get many people with the same symptoms? I think the silent treatment is one of the worst treatments. I do not have much money so cannot go anywhere and he knows it.
Thanks for the article.
Kind regards,