Cant go through life thinking this is a win / lose competition by: queserasera
I had been having the same problem , and sometimes still do, when I feel i see the cloud more than the silver lining.... I do know though that my bad times did not last , just as my good ones didn't and maybe there is some thing to learn there. I don't know if anyone else's plan for life is any better than anyone else's. Queserasera.... guess this too shall pass...maybe as long as your negative outlook doesn't affect anyone will learn to know that your bad times wont last....
I can't agree with you more about #1. Sometimes, it's hard to gather yourself and take action towards your goals, even with someone pushing you. I didn't
My Mother In Law recently told me that she is not sure that my Husband's Father is actually his biological Father. I told her that she needs to tell my
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