We have been dating for about 2 months. he had several things going on that he did not invite me to. I told him I was feeling excluded. Now he says he is feeling pressured. Why?
Be aware of your own issues... by: www.sustain.communication.com
I am sorry the advise given above is very short sited. Just because someone is not including you in all his activities doesn't mean he doesn't love you or doesn't want to be with you.
Love has nothing to do with attachments. Love is free. Do you love him enough to let him go? Do you love him enough to really see him? Do you love his wounds?
Certainly, if he doesn't show you respect THEN I would question the relationship. But if he just needs his space: this is normal.
Nov 20, 2012
He made a mistake. by: Anonymous
He is not ready for a relationship, he knows he made a mistake but doesn't know how to get out of it, he is using you when he cannot get anyone else, he doesn't want to be tied down, etc,etc,etc. So say good-bye , he's not worth having. he will brake our heart over and over again. You could be losing out on a good healthy relationship, some who may care for your feelings. So don't wait, it won't get better.
I can't agree with you more about #1. Sometimes, it's hard to gather yourself and take action towards your goals, even with someone pushing you. I didn't
My Mother In Law recently told me that she is not sure that my Husband's Father is actually his biological Father. I told her that she needs to tell my
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