How can you get on the dating scene and feel confident with other sexes?

by ruddy
(new ork)

I have dated and am in my mid 30's but I have never been great at attracting men to fancy me. I am quite okay looking but have some physical issues occuring ie thin hair and small body so find it hard to do things with people as I am not normal looking.

I have lots of male friends but don't know how to flirt to attract them and want to date more and get out of my zone and have fun not feeling bad as how I look - any help welcomed - people whatever you say care about how you look so you can't say they don't.

Comments for How can you get on the dating scene and feel confident with other sexes?

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Jun 10, 2009
have you checked all your options?
by: Catherine,

Hi Ruddy,

If your thin hair is one of the things that you feel stops you from feeling your best around men, have you looked into any of the products out there nowadays to address that one issue? There's so many hair things nowadays from hair extensions, hair weaves and I saw that even Jessica Simpson had a new product out there which made you look like you had much fuller hair than you do. So, that might be one simple option for you. Or certain cuts can make thin hair look fuller than it really is. So, have you looked into all your options there?

Your beliefs that you're not normal looking are definitely going to be coming across to the people you meet. That's what they'll notice the most about you. Also, you'll be holding back from being yourself around others just because you're thinking that they're thinking that you don't look normal. They won't know why you're being so reserved. They might even think that you don't want to talk to them or that you don't think they're attractive just by your body language.

Different can be cool. It makes you stand out and be noticed as someone special, someone unique, someone to pay attention to, someone to remember.

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