I disagree
by Maria
Ive just finished reading your book, Blamers and I totally disagree, why should we tolerate people like this, why should we pander to their egos, by agreeing with them or allowing them to lie about us, thats totally wrong, theyre abusers, and for as long as we allow them to get away with being how they are theyll continue to do it, they should be made to be accountable for the despicable acts of cruelty they commit, Its all very well saying distance ourselves from them but many cannot do that, abusers blamers whatever you want to call them are Control Freaks and its not easy to get away from them let alone put into action most of whats suggested in your book.
This world is becoming more negative by the minute and if people are being told to accept things that are dished out to them by these Negatives then the worlds going to end up even more negative, youre as good as giving the blamers of this world the right to continue doing what they do. When in reality they should be made to face up to themselves and be responsible like the rest of us do. Im sorry but I found your book to be very misleading, example ignore the put downs, !! What that is as good as saying is, let yourself be walked all over, why ?? just so these animals can keep on doing as they please we are all equal, we shouldnt have to ignore put downs, theyre insults and insults are just wrong.
As for the part about lies being told about you, keep quiet the truth will eventually come out, !! when ?? Ive never known it to, and these people always have supporters they strip their victims of their friends and family leaving them at their mercy.
Ive been on the receiving end of abusers, and they dont change, and if you try to ignore them they merely taunt you more and more and dont let up.