When I was decluttering one of my closets, I came across a good luck talisman I used to always carry in my pocket when I went to work. It was something I’d made myself using a piece of plaid flannel sewn into a tiny pillow shape. Inside, I placed a snowflake obsidian and some dried herbs like sage. The obsidian was supposed to provide protection as well as to calm me. The scent of the herbs would also have a soothing effect. Mostly just the feel of the soft flannel against my fingers was comforting enough though. It gave me energy and a sense of protection against the horrible manager I had at the time.
It made me wonder what do other people carry in their pockets to give them confidence or strength? Four leaf clovers and rabbit feet used to be popular at one time. I’m sure the rabbits are glad their feet aren’t quite so popular now. But, what do people carry for that added boost of confidence now?
In the book, Blackberry Wine: A Novel (#ad) by Joanne Harris, the main character carries a piece of red flannel believing it keeps him safe from the local bullies until one terrible day when disaster strikes. Great book if you’re looking for something to read.Trent Hamm over at The Simple Dollar carries a chamomile tea bag so he can always make himself some calming tea if he needs it. That’s a great idea. I like that one.
Agates are apparently good for protection too. They’d be small enough and light enough to carry around.
Buckeyes are said to provide good luck too if you carry one
in your pocket. You could probably rub it like a worry stone as well.
ABC News had a story on what soldiers carry in their pockets to remind them of their
families and the ones waiting for them to return safely home. Some very touching items were described.
So, what do you carry in your pocket for that little extra boost of confidence or luck?
What do you think about what I've just discussed? Share your thoughts and ideas here.