Thank you, Sami, for this post. I appreciate you taking the time to write it. I do, however, have a question I wanted to run by you to hear your interpretation.
As your quote reads "live with it [life]." My question with this statement is: are you suggesting that we "roll with the punches" without keeping in mind our end goals for this one "wild and precious life"?
I would like to hear your input on this, because it something I have been considering for quite some time.
Thank you for your post, Anonymous Processor
Nov 02, 2015
Response to Anonymous Processor by: Thoughtful Author
Dear Anonymous Processor,
I appreciate your critical analysis of my quote. I apologize for taking so long to respond, but I needed the time to digest your question because it brings up a fantastic point.
I believe that life is a wild ride full of twists and turns, much like my favorite ride at Disneyland. My quote does make it seem that it is you should get on this ride and surrender to these twists and turns. However, I would like to add that "Live with it [life]" suggests that it is up to you to live your life to the fullest. Notice how I used the word "live" instead of "surrender."
I hope this sufficiently answers your question. Please do not hesitate to share any other ideas that cross your path.
I can't agree with you more about #1. Sometimes, it's hard to gather yourself and take action towards your goals, even with someone pushing you. I didn't
My Mother In Law recently told me that she is not sure that my Husband's Father is actually his biological Father. I told her that she needs to tell my
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