Negative outweighs the positive

by Ember

I have been friends with someone for a very long time. The negative aspects of the friendship are just outweighing the positive at this point. I keep hanging onto this friendship, because I like the positive parts. But they seem few and far between. I have been honest with her before about all of it, had the big blow up argument etc., but things are getting right back to where they were before that. I have a really hard time with confrontation and being honest. I know what I have to do (end it), but it's complicated, and I just don't know if I can do it

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Oct 23, 2016
Tell them!
by: Anonymoose

I suggest that you tell them how you feel. Then you will really know how good of a relationship you guys have. If they handle it correctly and own up to it, then you can you go right on being friends. But if they don't handle it very well, blow you off, and go right on doing those bad things, then maybe you should rethink your friendship. I hope I could help! Good luck!

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