Putting Myself Down!/why do I always blame myself????????
by Sue
If I had to make a list of the things I could feel good about myself for that list would be very slim. If I were to make a list of the bad things about myself I would have a list a mile long.........Sometimes I feel so inadequte and when ever anything goes wrong I know I have to be the one that has caused things to be that way. I put myself down all the time and just can never find any good about myself and just know that people don't really like me etc.
How can I over come all of these feelings and begin to feel good about myself. I am 57 yrs old, you would think I would have this mastered by now....... I feel like that saying "nobody likes me, everybody hates me, guess I will go eat worms!"
I have a loving husband and family I guess I just never learned to love myself. I am getting more and more over weight and I can't stand myself for that reason but continue to eat too much and exercise too little. Can you help me????????